Saturday, March 15, 2008


KL Nichols

"Collector cars increase in value approximately 7 to 10% per year and some cars appreciate much more, why not make an investment you can have fun with!! How is your 401K doing???"

This is a quote from a friend of mine, Tom Thorson of Valley Motors and it reaches into the heart of the question, "Will The Stockmarket Affect The Collector Vehicle Market?"

The Stock Market is on everybody's mind as is the Weak American Dollar, plus the price of OIl, Gold, etc., etc., etc. But past experiences tells us that when the stockmarket gets hinky and the dollar drops, a lot of the Smart Money moves to the Collector Vehicle Market. Add to that the fact that when the dollar is weak, buyers from all over the world flock to the bargains that American Collector Vehicles offer. This is good and bad, good for collector vehicle sales, but bad in the sense that American Iron is going abroad! But we can take solace in the fact that when their stock market takes a dive and it will, the collector vehicles will come back. Meanwhile, the American Collector Vehicle Market should be a Bull Market!

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