Thursday, November 22, 2007
If you remember the last collector car boom, it started in the late 80's when Regan was president. That collector car boom fizzled out in the early 90's after or during the first war against the Iraqis. We are in a similar situation, a war going on, the dollar tanking and an Asian nation with a lot of money to spend, China.
It is uncertain that our economy will support a classic car boom, but look for the foreign market to acquire a huge amount of collector vehicles, and it has already started. China is 4 times the size of the US, whereas Japan was only as big as Rhode Island? More people equals more money, right.
Why, you might ask, will China be the big kahuna in this scenario? Because my friend, China is blowing out the seams on their economy. And with the dollar being worth so little, we are going to lose a lot of our classics!
It should start being evident in Jan/08 at the Barrett-Jackson auction! You can either be upset about it or make a lot of money out of it, either way, it's gonna happen!!
Oh yeah, watch out for your ladies too, China has 65,000,000 unmarried men due to the Chinese policy on allowing only one child per family and the Chinese penchant for boys!! In one providence alone there are 40,000,000 single men looking for wives. And you were worried about illegal immigrants!?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Thank God?

Friday, November 09, 2007
Irritation is a driving force!
Now don't get any ideas, these changes are mine and I may at some time in the near future, copyright them. So lay off, just use the information to make your life easier as I did and Be Happy!
1. The first key to remove is the hated Caps Lock key. Throw that sucker in the trash, you will never miss it or need it again!
2. Next remove "ALL" Windows keys, these are definitely a ploy by Microsoft to control your choice of operating systems.
3. If you are a gamer, next you should remove the Alt key to the left of the Space bar.
4. Next is a personal choice, remove the right Shift key, it causes nothing but trouble for the amateur typist.
5. Next, and this one is a real pain, remove the Insert key. Control "V" is the proper way us real computer folks do an "Insert" anyway.
6. This is a personal choice also, remove the "Scroll Lock" key, it is the most worthless key on the board and removing it is a statement to the idiots who invented the keyboard.
7. I haven't removed these keys, but you can if you want to, all of the number keys on the right hand side of the keyboard. When was the last time you used them?
8. These are optional also, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F10, F12. I personally have never used or known anyone who has used these keys.
There are probably others if I would have the time to think about it, and I am open to suggestions. Email Me Any Suggestions or comments
Copyright 2005 Nick Cash
The World's Greatest Salesman

"You were INSPIRATIONAL!" - Harvard Business SchoolJOSEPH SAMUEL GIRARD ( GERARD ) - BIOGRAPHYJoe Girard was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame (only salesperson ever!)Joe Girard is one of those rare creatures: a highly motivated man who can communicate his inspiration and attitudes to others.
Joe refers to it as "spark." In his own words, "sparks create fires." His first sparks would come painfully at an early age. He was born on the east side of Detroit, Michigan, in one of the city's most deplorable ghettos. He lived about one mile from one of his earliest heroes, Joe Louis, who escaped from poverty and became heavyweight champion boxer of the world while Joe was still a struggling adolescent.
The initial struggle began with his own father, Antonino Girard, an extremely poor man of Sicilian birth who found no success in his new country and vented his bitterness, both physically and emotionally, upon his younger son. Joe often speculates as to whether his father's behavior was the carefully planned campaign of a man who desperately wished to challenge his son. Whatever the truth, the senior Girard chose to constantly berate his son with the message that Joe would never amount to anything worthwhile. This was Joe's first spark: the determination to prove that his father had been wrong.
At the same time, Joe's mother fed him her constant love and belief that, indeed, Joe was capable of succeeding in life. This was Joe's second spark: to show his mother that her love and judgment had not been misplaced.
These two sparks led to Joe's first revelation: that smart work and persistence could work wonders. At the age of 9, after school and a hurried dinner, Joe patrolled the neighborhood bars for some shoe shine customers. He would not have thought of it in these terms, but after examining the market he decided that the best source for business was a place of leisure where people were relaxed and inclined to be generous. Bars had another advantage in bad weather: they were warm. To this day, Joe's two most precious possessions are his original shoe shine box, sitting proudly upon the one file cabinet of his office, along with a photograph of Joe shining shoes in a saloon. The experience taught him another valuable lesson: a fear of alcohol. Joe is willing to have an occasional drink, but he has never forgotten what he saw in those bars.
His joy with this success lead to his next enterprise as a newscarrier. At the age of 11, he took his second job as a newscarrier for the Detroit Free Press. Because it was, and still is, a morning paper, it was necessary to be up at 5:30 a.m. to complete his route before school. The Free Press, he quickly learned, also offered bonuses for enterprising newsboys who where willing to solicit and gain new business. For each new customer, the reward was a case of Pepsi-Cola. The old barn behind the Gerard house was soon stacked high with the rewards of Joe's efforts. Although it provided the four Gerard children with a huge supply of soda pop, something their parents couldn't possibly afford, Joe soon realized that he had a growing inventory of value and soon began his third business venture as soda pop supplier to the neighborhood children at a price no ordinary vendor could meet. His proudest moments were on those days when he brought his earning to his mother; no childish gesture as his pennies helped to put badly needed food on the Gerard table.
The Detroit Free Press can probably be credited with the first insight given to Joe with regard to exceptional progress. A contest was proclaimed for the solicitation of new readers. The grand prize was to be a new, sparkling two-wheeler bicycle. Now 12 years of age, this driven youngster had never possessed a bike.
Joe knew the secret that could win the bike. He would spend every unused, waking moment knocking on doors and asking for business. This had always been his secret. He knew that it worked - what he could not comprehend was why the other newsboys did not see the obvious. Joe won more than the bicycle. He won the knowledge that if he planned his work and worked his plan, he could succeed. He learned that most people were not willing to make this sacrifice. As he once said, "any one of those kids could have beat me, but they weren't willing to work. They didn't want it badly enough."
Joe's teen years were difficult and bitter, especially at home. His natural spirit and pride brought him, time after time, into direct conflict with an increasingly bitter and vengeful father. Almost regularly he ordered Joe from the Gerard home. From the age of 14, Joe spent many of his nights sleeping in boxcars at the Grand Trunk Railroad yards, located directly across the street from his home. In bad weather, he used 25 cent a night flop houses. At this age he was now able to seek more rewarding employment after school, such as dishwasher, dock loader at the produce terminal, delivery boy, and pageboy at the Book-Cadillac Hotel. He also devoted some evenings to the neighborhood pool hall, trying to hustle additional dollars. He lived with the constant fear that if he didn't bring home sufficient money he would have to face his father's anger.
Formal education for Joe ended during the eleventh grade. He was talking during a study period and was addressed by the school principal, but not by his name. Well aware of the existence of bigotry, but not willing to bow to it, Joe advised the man that he would not respond until he was called by his proper name. The principal stated "you people don't seem to understand how society will be run" and then called Joe a derogatory name reflecting upon his Sicilian ancestry. Joe's heated reaction resulted in his permanent dismissal from school.
At the age of 16, Joe obtained full-time employment at the Michigan Stove Company as a stove assembler. He earned $75 weekly, his greatest earnings thus far, even though it required 12-hour days, six days a week.
He then went to work as an assistant to a fruit and vegetable vendor who merchandised his goods on the east side of Detroit from the back of a truck. He enjoyed the outdoor work and was proud of his sales ability, but he realized one day that there was no future in this pursuit.
Dispirited and aimless, Joe joined the United States Army Infantry at the age of 18. Ninety seven days later, at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Joe fell from the rear of a speeding military vehicle and badly injured his back. He was given an honorable discharge after admitting to previously injuring his back diving for the school swimming team.
During the next two years, Joe would move from one unsatisfactory job to another, constantly frustrated with the belief that his lack of education kept him from all but manual labor. He was often discouraged, but never gave up hope. He felt that somewhere in the world there was a place for him. He had the good fortune to meet Mr. Abraham Saperstein, a building contractor. Mr. Saperstein, a warm, generous, and understanding man, became his father surrogate when he invited Joe to enter the building business with the pledge that he would teach Joe everything he knew. He'd finally found his niche in life. The relationship between Joe and Mr. Saperstein grew over the years until his dear old friend retired and turned over the business to Joe.
Joe contracted to build a number of private homes in a Detroit subdivision. He accepted the word of a real estate speculator that the area was to have a sewer system installed, but this was not true. Individual septic tanks would have to be installed, greatly reducing the value of the homes. As a result, Joe lost his business. Joe Girard found himself without a job, without savings, and in debt to the tune of $60,000. It was the lowest moment in his life.
The next year Joe would find himself in an endless struggle trying to recover his losses and his ego. Things would finally hit rock bottom when June Girard tearfully told her husband that there was no food in the house and that their kids were begging for something to eat.
Joe had been job hunting without success, but on that day he pleaded with the sales manager of a Chevrolet dealership to hire him as a salesman. The manager was reluctant because of his lack of experience and traditionally slow sales in the month of January, but Joe stated that he would only take a desk somewhere in the rear of the dealership and count on the telephone to provide prospects. That evening he sold his first car and borrowed $10 from the manager to bring a bag of groceries home to his family. In his second month he would sell eighteen cars and trucks and was beginning to feel he had a secure breath. Much to his amazement, the owner of the dealership fired him for being too aggressive. Some of the other salesmen had complained.
At this point, Joe knew he could sell cars. He had proved it to himself, and was ready to prove it to the world -- including Antonino Gerard. Joe quickly found employment at Merollis Chevrolet in Eastpointe, Michigan, working at what he did better than anyone else in the world, selling automobiles!
For 12 straight years Joe sold more cars and trucks than any other salesperson. More as an individual than most dealers sell in total. No other salesperson has ever attained this title for more than one year, and not for both cars and trucks.
Joe is the only salesperson ever inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in 2001, renowned for selling more cars than anyone else in the World.
During his fifteen year selling career, he sold 13,001 cars,all at retail - no fleet, wholesale or used cars*. Most of his time is now spent writing books, giving lectures, and sales rallies.
See what Joe Girard has to offer at hie website
Mr Girard is one of my heros! KN
* Audited by the accounting firm of Deloitte & Touche Audit available upon request.
Friday, November 02, 2007
The Chrysler Shakeup continues
Bradford Wernle Automotive News
Chrysler LLC, ending days of speculation, said today it will slash 8,500 to 10,000 hourly jobs before the end of 2008 and cut four vehicles from its lineup as it restructures under the ownership of Cerberus Capital Management LP.
Another 1,000 salaried jobs also are being cut, along with about 37 percent of its contract workers, the company said. Chrysler also will eliminate hourly and salaried overtime.
The cuts in the hourly workforce would equal about 17.5 percent of the company's 57,000 union employees in the U.S. and Canada.
Chrysler will drop shifts at Belvidere (Ill.) Assembly, Jefferson North in Detroit, Toledo (Ohio) North, Brampton (Ontario) Assembly, Sterling Heights (Mich.) Assembly and Mack Avenue Engine Plant II in Detroit. Three of the five plants will eliminate a third shift: Belvidere, Toledo and Brampton.
Chrysler will cut the Dodge Magnum, the Chrysler PT Cruiser convertible, the Chrysler Pacifica crossover and the Chrysler Crossfire convertible.
In the same time frame, Chrysler said it will add two products: the Dodge Journey crossover and Dodge Challenger coupe. It also will add two hybrid SUVs, the Chrysler Aspen and Dodge Durango.Read more at
Beware the Chinese #2

Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Studebaker Golden Hawk 1956-'58

One of the sexist cars ever built and in my estimation much better than the 57 Chevy was the 1957 Studebaker Golden Hawk. It is powered by a 289 cubic inch engine with a Paxton-McCoulough super charger, which produced 275 horsepower. It had either an automatic transmission or standard 3 speed with overdrive, and a Studebaker twin-traction rear end (posi-traction). Other accessories include power steering, power brakes, seats and windows, "very rare" front seat belts, padded visors, and twin antennas. There were 4,356 made and it is believed less than 400 exist today (Remember my 10% factor?).The Golden Hawk's top speed was anywhere between 125 and 130 miles per hour. It could go from 0 to 60 mph in eight seconds. It also had the highest horsepower to weight ratio of any stock automobile in 1957. They were only made for only three years, 1957, 1958 and 1959.
I dare you to set it side by side with the 57 Chevy and then tell me it isn't better looking! I have never understood the 57 Chevy craze! When the 57 Chevy came out it looked cheap, as a matter of fact, the 1958 Chevy looked a whole lot better! I even dated and ugly girl to drive her Red 58 Impala!
Back to the Golden Hawk, NADA says that the average price for a 57 Golden Hawk is $20,300 and the average price for a 57 Chevy Bel Air Sports Coupe is $28,600 and just because I mentioned it the 58 Bel Air Impala 2 Dr Sports Coupe is $24,000.
The 56-58 Golden Hawks are "one of a kind", the company no longer exists and the car is no longer made, but by exercising my imagination I can visualize the absolutely beautiful 2006 Golden Hawk and it doesn't look like the Easter Eggs that the car manufacturers are trying to force down our throats now! You know the ones all made of plastic and when they need fixing you need an MD to work on them, no sirree, not my 2006 Golden Hawk, when it needs fixing, I would just borrow a bobby pin from my date and fix it. What do you mean, "What's a bobby pin?". Sheesh…
All contents copyrighted 2006 by KL Nichols
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Production Dodge Challenger Pics

See more pics here;
Friday, October 05, 2007

To see more pictures and details, click on the link below.
Saturday, September 29, 2007

NHRA FOUNDER WALLY PARKS, 1913-2007 Patriarch of Drag Racing Dies at Age 94 GLENDORA, Calif. (Sept. 28, 2007) – Wally Parks, the driving force behind the formation of NHRA, has died at the age of 94. It was Parks’ vision, goals and unconditional commitment to the need for speed and side-by-side racing in a safer, more controlled environment that created what is today the world's largest motorsports governing body. "Today is a sad day in the world of NHRA and the sport of drag racing," said Tom Compton, president of NHRA. "Words simply can't describe the immeasurable impact Wally has had on the sport he created and the millions of people's lives he touched along the way. The name Wally Parks is synonymous with drag racing, and his vision and direction will guide NHRA for years to come. Everyone in drag racing, and the industries formed to service the sport, will forever be indebted to Wally, his vision, his focus and his desire to create, build and grow NHRA." “Wally spent his lifetime doing what he loved,” said Dallas Gardner, chairman of the NHRA board of directors. “He marked the path and led the way for this incredible industry and the sport of drag racing. Wally was NHRA, and through his dream came a path to follow with lofty goals and ambition. He put the people in place and trusted in them. He has not abandoned us. He has left us with a road map that he knows will be followed.” Parks, who founded NHRA in 1951, received countless awards in the motorsports world and played a pivotal role in the establishment of an entire industry devoted to speed and automotive aftermarket parts and accessories that today is a multibillion-dollar business. Yet Parks never implied that he did it all himself. His pride and joy, and where he spent most of his time in recent years while still serving on NHRA's board of directors, was The Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum presented by Automobile Club of Southern California at Fairplex in Pomona, Calif. Details regarding arrangements and planned events will be released at a later date. WALLY PARKS, 1913-2007 NHRA founder Chairman of NHRA Motorsports Museum The primary driving force behind the formation of the National Hot Rod Association, Wally Parks was the visionary whose early goals created what today is the world’s largest motorsports governing body. Parks, who founded NHRA in 1951, never implied that he did it all himself. Reflecting on the tremendous growth and success of NHRA, he noted how fortunate he was that so many dedicated people had shared his outlook that almost anything is possible if you believe in it strongly enough. One of the most dedicated was unquestionably his late wife, Barbara Parks, who was regarded as the most influential behind-the-scenes force in the growth of NHRA. Mrs. Parks succumbed to cancer in late January of 2006 after a long battle with the devastating illness. But without Parks’ vision and perseverance, much of what has happened may not have been achieved. Born in Oklahoma and living in Kansas until age 8, Parks and his family then moved to California, where his automotive interests surfaced. In his high school years, he became active in building stripped-down Model-T Fords and Chevy fours for use on the street and in early speed trials conducted on dry lakebeds in the Mojave Desert, north of Los Angeles. In 1937, Parks took part in the formation of the Southern California Timing Association (SCTA) – an organization focused on conducting land speed record events – serving as one of its officials until World War II began. In 1946, following military service in the South Pacific, Parks was elected president of the reorganized SCTA. In 1947, after 10 years of employment as a road test driver and process engineer for General Motors, Parks left GM to assume a new role as the SCTA’s general manager. It was his concept that produced America’s first Hot Rod Show, presented by the SCTA in 1948 at the Los Angeles Exposition Armory. In 1948, Parks helped co-publishers Bob Petersen and Bob Lindsay in the introduction of Hot Rod magazine, which became one of the world’s largest-circulation auto-enthusiast publications, and later was named its first editor. In 1949, Parks organized the campaign that led to the opening of Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats for hot rod speed trials – a still-thriving annual activity. In 1951, utilizing Hot Rod as a conduit to nationwide readership, Parks formed the NHRA. In 1963, he resigned his position as editorial director for all of Petersen’s automotive magazines – Hot Rod, Motor Trend, Car Craft, Sports Car Graphic and Motor Life – to assume full-time administrative duties as president of NHRA. An early recipient of Car Craft magazine’s prestigious Ollie Award for his many contributions to motorsports, Parks was named Man of the Decade, 1962-1972 by Popular Hot Rodding magazine and was recognized as Man of the Year in 1973 by the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA). The American Auto Racing Writers & Broadcasters Association (AARWBA) honored Parks in 1988 and again in 1994 for his pioneering efforts in motorsports. Parks received his highest honors in 1992 and 1993. He was drag racing’s first inductee into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame in 1992 in Talladega, Ala., and in 1993, he was inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame in Novi, Mich. In 1994, the tributes to Parks’ legacy continued to pile up. A large bronze statue of Parks was presented at NHRA’s Gainesville Raceway, which was eventually moved to its current location in front of the NHRA Motorsports Museum at Fairplex in Pomona, Calif. Later in 1994, Parks and wife Barbara were co-inductees into the Don Garlits International Drag Racing Hall of Fame in Ocala, Fla., for their pioneering efforts, which spearheaded NHRA’s success. Parks also was the first recipient of the Don Prudhomme Award, a trophy presented by NHRA to an individual who has made a profound impact on the growth and positive image of the NHRA POWERade Series. At the 2001 NHRA Awards Ceremony, Parks was presented the prestigious Blaine Johnson Award for his dedication, perseverance and nurturing commitment to the sport throughout the years. In 2002, Parks again was recognized for his many contributions to the sport of drag racing. He was presented with the inaugural Robert E. Petersen Lifetime Achievement Award at the fourth annual Hot Rod & Performance Trade Show in Indianapolis. The late Petersen, a renowned automotive publisher and creator of multiple automotive magazines, then presented Parks with the all-bronze sculpture which was created to honor the entrepreneurs who have contributed to the history, growth and well-being of the hot rod industry. In late 2003, Parks received another honor of distinction, as he was named the Dean Batchelor Lifetime Achievement Award winner by the Motor Press Guild in Los Angeles. Parks remained on NHRA’s board of directors and dedicated much of his time to his personal involvement with the cultivation and expansion of The Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum at Fairplex in Pomona, home of the CARQUEST Auto Parts NHRA Winternationals and Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals. Although much of the museum’s historical focus is on the evolution of NHRA and drag racing, it also features many other forms of motorsports that relate closely to the formative years of NHRA, including dry lakes, Bonneville, oval track racing, and allied performance industries. These are elements that appealed most to Wally Parks, a guy who had been there, done that, and enjoyed and appreciated it for decades. -30-
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Political Correctness Defined
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A Song As A Weapon of War?
don't know what the song was, but the general idea was to write a
song so catchy that the German's minds would be captured by the
song and that it would occupy their minds so much that their
soldiering would be affected. The idea was semi plausible because
no one had any way to listen to music in the battlefields. No radios
except military, no record players, no CD players, etc, etc, etc, you
get the idea. There are no records of how successful the song ploy
was. But I am here to tell you that a song can occupy your mind,
maybe not totally, but so much that you can't stop thinking about it!
The song 1234 has done that to me. I first heard it on an iPod
commercial, it is written and recorded by a Canadian lady who calls
herself "Feist". Here is a link to that song, but I warn you, it is
addictive! Bet ya
can't play it just once?
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Fall car shows in Green Country Oklahoma
Reminder for the MARS cruise from Tulsa
to Arcadia or Pops on Saturday, see their website:
Here is the list for the Fall car shows in Green Country Oklahoma, now if the
weather would only stray warm and sunny.
September 8...
Bluegrass & Chili Festival Claremore, OK
Bluegrass & Chili Festival Open Car Show Pre-Register Until August 29 $18.00
$20 after Aug 29
September 8 2007 Stampede 2007
Location : Downtown Mustang Oklahoma Mustang Oklahoma 73064 405.341.6124 Additional Info :
Registration 8 to 11am - Trophies 4pm. Hospitality on Friday Sept. 7th 6:30
downtown Mustang. Over 20 open side classes and a class for any Mustang. Entry
fee day of show $20.00. Door Prizes - Dash Plaques - 50/50 pot. Go to and the show information and you can download a flyer showing all the classes and information.
September 8 2007
Shattuck Car Show Location : Between 6th $ 7th St on Main St. Shattuck OK 73858
580-938-2693 or 581-938-5419
Additional Info : 14 Categories, 39 classes, Dash Plaques for all; 1st $ 2nd
Awards in all classes; Award for Best of Show, Longest Distance; 50/50 Pot, Door
Prizes. Please visit our Web-site at
SEPTEMBER 08, 2007 Okrafest
09:00 AM 04:00 PM Downtown Checotah, OK
Fun food festival offering handmade arts & crafts, entertainment, games,
children's activities, car show, food vendors and display items. Okra lovers
will enjoy free food, okra-eating contest and food made with okra.
Sept. 07-08, 2007
6th Annual Boggy Bottom Classic Car & Truck Show– At Boggy Depot State
Park, 9 miles S.W. of Atoka, Oklahoma – Sept.7: Poker Run at 7:00 p.m. (Meet
on Court Street in Downtown Atoka). At 8:15 p.m. bring the kids, your chairs
& enjoy a Classic Out-door Movie (Will be shown at Boggy Depot State Park).
Car Show on Sept. 8. Pre-Registration $10.00, Day of Show $15.00: Dash Plaques
for first 150 entries – Door Prizes – 50/50 Pot – Music – Goody Bags –
Vendors – Concession Stands – Event T-Shirts – Five Ball Participant
Judging –Registration 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – Trophies awarded at 3:00
p.m. Games for kids: Lifter toss, Hula-hoop contest, Bubble gum blowing contest,
& Air filter throw.
Sep 15, 2007
Porum, OK. Belle Starr Outlaw Day & Car Show
Starting off with a parade, the day will include a car show, various activities
and live music
Sep 15, 2007
Keystone Volunteer Fire Department 7th Annual Car Show - Come join us for cars
and fun on beautiful Lake Keystone. Dash plaques until they are gone. 50/50 Pot,
Horseshoes, & play area for the kids. You can fish or just enjoy the view. 3
Trophies per Class plus 5 Special Trophies. Little Tykes Class with Special
Awards and Grand Prize. . All proceeds are used to purchase and update fire and
rescue equipment. Cabins and camp sites are available for rental. Keystone
volunteer fire dept will be hosting its 7th annual car show Septmber 15 at the
keystone state park red carpet area. Registration is from 8-noon with awards at
2:30. $12 pre entry by 13th or $15 day of show. 3 trophies per class with 5
special trophies. Keystone VFD is in Western Tulsa County. Aprox. 20 Miles west
of Tulsa, Okla on Keystone Lake. The Car show will be held at the Keystone State
September 15th, 2007
Guthrie Flashbacks 24th Annual Guthrie Road Celebration
Open car show. Saturday, September 15th, 2007, from 8:00 until 3:00. To be held
in Beautiful, shady Mineral Wells Park, just South of Downtown Guthrie Oklahoma
on Division Street. There will be door prizes all day, entertainment, cash
prizes, 50/50, food and other vendors, goody bags, dash plaques and coffee and
donuts for the early birds. Five Ball Judging. Registration 8:00 until 12:00.
Pre-registration $15 if postmarked before September 1st; $20 the day of the
show. Mail entries to: Guthrie Flashbacks, P.O. 473, Guthrie OK 73044. Include
name, address, telephone number, club affiliation and make and model of entry.
If coming South on I-35, take the first Guthrie exit West to Division, turn
South on Division, proceed to Mineral Wells Park just South of Downtown, on the
West side of Division. Signs will be posted. If coming North on I-35, take the
first Guthrie exit West to the light, proceed North on Division, approximately 3
miles to the park. For more information, call Penny at (405) 282-7343
September 15 2007
Creek County Sheriff Reserve Oklahoma Centennial Car Show Location : Creek
county fairgrounds, West of Sapulpa on old hwy 66. Sapulpa Oklahoma 74066
918-321-3166 or 918-798=6688
Additional Info : All proceeds benefit the sheriff reserve. For registration
form call to have one mailed to you. Present turnpike receipt for refund.
Entrance fee $13.00 at gate and $10.00 for pre-registration. Check in 8 am to 11
am. 50/50 pot. Drawings. dash plaques. Park together-come together. Trophy
ceremony is at 2pm Food concession available. Top two centennial plaques awarded
in each class. The 2007 Oklahoma Centennial Trophy will be awarded the Governor
of Oklahoma or his representative. Cash for longest distance and for hard luck.
September 14 2007 through September 16
The 7th Annual Big Cruise and Carshow
This is Oklahoma's largest FREE Car Show- an Official Oklahoma Centennial Event
Location: On the Square in Downtown Alva
Cost: FREE - Pre register:
September 22nd
Pioneer days car show in Skiatook, OK
PARADE: Begins at 9:00 a.m. Line up at the Old Walmart Parking Lot. Parade
EVENTS: 11:00 A.M. Begins Amusement Rides, Little Miss & Mr. Pageant, Car
Sept 22nd 2007
Fri. 10:00 - 5:00 pm, Sat. 8:00 - 5:00 pm
Frank Phillips Field
The Fly-In is one of the largest sport aviation events in the United States. The
Tulsa Regional Fly-In attracts more than 500 aircraft that fly into Bartlesville
for the two-day event. You are invited to experience the excitement of colorful
sport aviation at its best! Yes they have a car show on Saturday!!
Date: 9/22/2007
Location: Edmond, OK.
Event: Car Show
Rt 66 Classic Car Show & Craft Fair. 12th annual car show featuring
approximately 200 classic autos with over 29 categories eligible for cash &
trophy prizes. Along with the great cars, enjoy a craft fair, good food and
family fun.
September 22, 2007
A Blast from the Past" Car Show Location : Downtown Morris Oklahoma 74445
918-733-4898 1-888-701-3188
Additional Info: Registration starts at 8am. CLASSES 1900 THRU 200 & UP FOR
September 29, 2007 Perkins Car Show 2007
Hours 8:00a to 1:00p
PerkinsTryon High School on Hwy 33 Location: Perkins Tryon High School, 1003
East Hwy 33 -Pre-registration $15 Day of $20. Club Trophy and $50 for most
entries! $50, $25 for pre-registration drawing! Fifteen Classes of Cars: 10
Classes of Trucks! Three Classes of MC's -Three Trophies per class plus
Sponsor's Choice Truck and Car Auto Dealers Picks Plus Best of Show!
Registration 8:00a to 11:00a Awards at 1:00p Awards Ceremony and 50/50 Drawing
inside High School Commons Area -Inside air-conditioned concessions. Website "Cimarron Starlite Cruisers’ Car Club" All the proceeds will go to the "Ditz McIlvain Scholarship Fund." Ditz was a long time Teacher,
Administrator, Coach and GREAT INDIVIDUAL who was part of the Perkins Community
for more than 40 years. Oldies by Dale Turner of Tulsa Cimarron Starlite
Cruisers' Car Club" website at:
October 6 2007
Location: McAlester, OK.
Event: Car Show
Old Town Festival and Car Show. Enjoy an open car show, JJ McAlester Mansion
open house, 1906 Time Capsule opening, walking tour of historical sites, live
entertainment, food vendors, carnival ride and games. Includes bank robbery and
gun shoot-out shows, museum tours and an art show and sale.
October 6 2007
Location: Hinton, OK.
Event: Car Show
Red Rock Cruisers Classic Car Show. Car show offering awards in "Best of
Category" and Best of Show". Registration is from 9am-11am and the
show is from 11am-4pm.
Oct 6, 2007
The 3rd Annual Coffee Creek Car Show will be held at
The 7th Annual Pumpkin Patch for Missions
hosted by The First United Methodist Church of Owasso
The Pumpkin Patch is located at 13800 E 106th St N. –
Just off Hwy 169 in Owasso. Registration begins at 8 AM. Awards given at 1 PM
Registration forms
or by phone the church office at 918-272-5731The Show is open to all makes and
models and a Awards are given in 5 categories Registration is $10 per vehicle
and includes: free key chain to first 50 paid entries Promotional and giveaway
door prize ticket and discount to The Pumpkin Patch Café. NEW THIS YEAR ---
SAFETY TIME – car seat inspection station, fire prevention and a Bike Rodeo
open to Cub Scouts. The Car Show will be in the eastern parking lot and Safety
Time will be in the western parking lot.
All proceeds from the Pumpkin Patch and related events are used to fund mission
projects in and through the church. Rain date: Saturday, October 27th.
Oct 6, 2007
Pryor, OK.
MidAmerica Industrial Park Expo and Pumpkin Patch Event includes entertainment,
arts and crafts, car show, war bird exhibit and more.
Formally known as the MidAmerica Classic Auto Show. We have moved and changed
our name to "Catch The Fever Classic Auto Show" Same great show,
different location to have more room. We will be located 4 miles NORTH of Pryor,
OK, on Hwy 69. Over 40 classes and 6 Specialty trophies. Also, DARRYL STARBIRD
will be with us again to spend the day, and presenting his Choice Trophy to his
favorite vehicle. As always, ALL proceeds go to children in our county that are
currently undergoing treatment for cancer. We will be giving out 1st - 3rd place
awards in each class, $100.00 to Best Club Participation, $100.00 and $50.00
drawing for each PRE-PAID ENTRY, Door prizes and goodie bags, Live DJ, and our
judges are trained in "fairness". Registration is $20.00 day of show
(between 8 - 11 AM) and $15.00 until September 28. There will be lots of things
to do that day so you won't have to just sit around, unless you want to!!!
Please contact us at and watch our website for upcoming info and brocure and entry form to download at .
Also, feel free to call Gary or Connie Musgrave at 918-825-5716, leave a message
and we WILL call you back. We would be glad to send you a brochure in the mail
until ours become available on the net. for printable brochure.
October 6th2007
Downtown Mounds, OK
Located on Hwy 75A Highway 75 (Beeline) to 201st St. S.
Turn west on 201st - 2.5 mi to Mounds
Pre-registration recommended Check-in/Registration 8:00 am-10:00 am
Entrance Fee: Pre-registration Entrance Fee $15.00 (If registered by September
29th) Registration Day of Show $25.00
Oct 13, 2007
Tulsa, OK
Top of the Hill Craft and Car Show 10am-4pm
Chandler Park, 6500 W. 21st Street Vendors Welcome
Top of the Hill Show at Chandler Park in Tulsa. October 13th, 2007. Registration
is $15 per vehicle and open to all motorized vehicles. Registration is from 9am
till 12noon with awards at 3pm. Held in conjunction with the Annual Top Of The
Hill Craft Festival. Come early and help us park the cars. Flyer attached.
OCTOBER 13, 2007
Hwy. 9 East of Eufaula
SHOW - 8:00 TO 4:00 (RAIN OR SHINE)
ENTRY FEE: $15.00 hosted by Rust to Riches Car club
Tonkawa Wheatheart Festival 21st Classic Car Show
9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Blinn Park (North Main Street) Swap Meet & Car
Corral/Participant Judged Awards/Judged Trophies/Dash Plaques/Cash drawings/Door
Prizes Pre-Registration $15.00 until October 1, 2007 Contact: Tonkawa Chamber of
Commerce; 580-628-2220
October 20, 2007,
21st Annual Robbers Cave Fall Foliage Cruise, Robbers
Robbers Cave State Park, Wilburton, OK. Free registration limited to pre 1978
vehicles. Early registration and Gearhead Gathering Friday, October 19th, 3pm -
9pm. The event is held at Robbers Cave State Park, North of Wilburton on Hwy 2.
Free registration is limited to pre 1978 vehicles. Over 50 awards, dash plaques,
event shirts, arts and crafts, food booths, amusements and entertainment. The
Fall Foliage Cruise is held in conjunction with the Robbers Cave Fall Festival.
Early registration and House of Packard Gearhead Gathering on Friday, October
19, from 3pm till we turn out the lights.
October 26 2007
Location: Stigler, OK.
Event: Car Show
Fall Festival & Car Show. This 18th annual festival includes arts and crafts
booths and an antique and classic car show. Arts and crafts booths will set up
on the Courthouse Lawn.
Thursday, August 23, 2007

All you folks out there who have been taught through your TV and movie screens that there is something almost magical about the DeLorean, well, to quote a line from many other films, fuhgeddiboutit.
DeLorean wasn't a good car to begin with, and practically nothing which can be done to it now improves it abilities, either in speed, handling, comfort, dependability, etc. It fails, as a car, on many, many levels.
But that's like saying Paris Hilton shouldn't be famous because she's a lousy actress. DeLorean the car, and Ms. Paris, have this in common: Being famous for being famous; fame is drawn to them because of the extremely well-crafted marketing campaigns which swirl around them. If the DeLorean car had not been in the movies (ok, in case you don't know, it's in the many "Back to the Future" movies which, for the record, we really enjoyed, especially the first and second ones). it would have remained an automotive oddity, too new to be considered a "classic" at auction, thus never drawing high bids, and eventually to fall into the "auto orphan" category, with a factory which could never service the cars or make an adequate number of spare parts. But a guy in Texas (where else?) thinks he has the answer.
Here's part of a Salt Lake Tribune story on the topic from August 20, 2007:
"A quarter century after DeLorean Motor Co. began making its glitzy, $25,000 two-seater - an operation that collapsed after two years - Stephen Wynne's small automotive outfit plans to bring the vehicle back into limited production at a 40,000-square-foot factory in this Houston suburb. DMC eventually made fewer than 9,000 cars, distinctive for their gull-wing doors, stainless-steel exterior and rear-engine design. An estimated 6,500 remain on the road. Already, the Humble (TX) operation will take an existing DeLorean, strip it to the frame and rebuild it for a base price of $42,500. The company also handles routine maintenance, such as oil changes and tuneups, and ships between 20 and 50 parts orders a day to mechanics and individual owners worldwide." ---end of story quote---
Wynn is also planning to re-create fully-running, "better-than-new" with interior, exterior and drivetrain improvements DeLoreans for about $57,500. Even venerable old Carroll Shelby once told me, "Ya know, Steve, it takes just as much money to build one car as it does to build a million of 'em", speaking as he was of Federal regulations, crash-testing and all of those other little petty "annoyances" our government demands. We well-remember all the tooling for the Avanti winding-up in the hands of some midwest mall-builder, and living as we do in the area in Palm Springs, CA, where the Avanti was designed by a team of young, eager stylists striving to save the Studebaker Corporation in 1960, led by the incredible Raymond Loewy, we do feel for this guy. And other than, "Remember the Avanti!" our other advice is: "Good luck".
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Hearing Postponed to Consider California
We Urge You to Call or Fax Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee (List Below) Immediately to Oppose
A.B. 616· A.B. 616 ignores the minimal impact vintage cars have on air quality.
A.B. 616 could entice vintage car owners into allowing these vehicles to be scrapped.
A.B. 616 ignores the fact that vehicles 15-years old and older still constitute a small portion of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for emissions reduction.
A.B. 616 ignores the fact that classic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven.
A.B. 616 would increase costs by creating an annual inspection fee for owners of these vehicles.
A.B. 616 represents another attempt by California legislators and regulators to scapegoat older cars.
A.B. 616 would dramatically impact the ability of fixed and low income motorists from owning and driving their older vehicles.Please contact members of the California Senate Appropriations Committee immediately by phone, fax or e-mail to request their opposition to A.B. 616.
Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Thank you for your assistance.Senate Appropriations
CommitteeSenator Tom Torlakson (Chair)
Phone: (916) 651-4007
Fax: (916) 445-2527
Senator Dave Cox (Vice Chair)
Phone: (916) 651-4001
Fax: (916) 324-2680
Senator Samuel Aanestad
Phone: (916) 651-4004
Fax: (916) 445-7750
Senator Roy Ashburn
Phone: (916) 651-4018
Fax: (916) 651-4018
Senator Jim Battin
Phone: (916) 651-4037
Fax: (916) 327-2187
Senator Gilbert Cedillo
Phone: (916) 651-4022
Fax: (916) 327-8817
Senator Ellen Corbett
Phone: (916) 651-4010
Fax: (916) 327-2433
Senator Robert Dutton
Phone: (916) 651-4031
Fax: (916) 327-2272
Senator Dean Florez
Phone: (916) 651-4016
Fax: (916) 327-5989
Senator Sheila Kuehl
Phone: (916) 651-4023
Fax: (916) 324-4823
Senator Jenny Oropeza
Phone: (916) 651-4028
Fax: (916) 323-6056
Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas
Phone: (916) 651-4026
Fax: (916) 445-8899
Senator George Runner
Phone: (916) 651-4017
Fax: (916) 445-4662
Senator Joe Simitian
Phone: (916) 651-4011
Fax: (916) 323-4529
Senator Darrell Steinberg
Phone: (916) 651-4006
Fax: (916) 323-2263
Senator Mark Wyland
Phone: (916) 651-4038
Fax: (916) 446-7382
Senator Leland Yee
Phone: (916) 651-4008
Fax: (916) 327-2186
Terms under which this service is provided to you:'s mailing address: 1575 S. Valley Vista Dr., Diamond Bar, CA 91765Copyright 2007. Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)
6 Ways to Make the Most of your Classic Corvette Purchase
1. Buy the best Corvette you can afford todayBecause the Corvette you buy is the Corvette you’ll have or want to sell some day.
2. Buy cosmetics Buy paint and chrome, unless you have a shop and knowledge to control your costs.
3. Research Arm yourself with knowledge provided in the numerous Corvette publication and hire a true expert to examine your potential purchase.
4. Don’t trade off cosmetics for a numbers match drivetrainIt will always cost more to restore (paint, trim, chrome, etc.) a Corvette needing restoration versus putting the proper numbers motor back in your vehicle, if that’s your venue. Numbers have become secondary to cosmetics, and it’s about time.
5. Realize that Corvettes are old carsThey require more attention than that new Chevy or Ford setting in your driveway (especially if they aren’t taken for periodic ("work outs").
6. Be a smart sellerHigh-profile events like the Barrett-Jackson and Mecum Muscle Car auctions will get you more money for your car than newspaper and trade publication advertisements. Plan ahead if you’re considering selling your baby: seek good lot numbers (pay a premium if you must) and baby-sit your car during the event to answer questions and show pride in your car – it is a reflection of you, and people simply pay more if they like the seller.
Terry provides an excellent analysis of today's Corvette Market and why the demand for classic Corvettes is so high right now - a demand he says will only continue as baby boomers hit retirement and start spending that discretionary income.
Click here to read The Corvette Market - Today.
Source:TMichaelis Corvette Perspective
Sunday, August 19, 2007
First I should explain auctions for the novices; there are several kinds of auctions: There are local auctions by local auctioneers that auction off any kind of saleable property. This includes estate closings, realestate and personal property to name a few. There are also local CV (Collector Vehicle) auctions, most of which, are held by a national collector car auctioneer with the support and backing of a local collector or CV dealer, once or twice a year if your town or city is large enough. Then there are the Super CV Auctions, such as the Barrett-Jackson that is held the first of January in Arizona and the Kruse Auction in Auburn Indiana held in September over Labor Day every year. Both of these auction companies hold several other auctions a year, but only these two qualify as Super Auctions! Then there are Internet Auctions, the premier one being eBay Motors.
The quality of your collector car; and the time you have to sell it, along with the amount of money you have to spend get the ball rolling are just a few of the determining factors that will make your decision for you when and if you decide to auction your car off. For brevity we will refer hereafter to Collector Vehicle as “CV”.
Just a note here; to insure that your car sells fast; make sure everything on your car works and that it is clean. Sometimes a few bucks spent on your collector car for new carpet or to replace a window will add big bucks to the final price, but don’t over do it and if you car is a project car, none of this applies.
One other avenue; I am always amazed that not everybody knows about is the local and national CV magazines, you see these at your local convenience store, such as Auto/Truck Round-Up, Deals On Wheels, Auta Buy and Old Car Trader. These run from Free to around $40-$50 per month and take about a month to hit the stands, most have pretty fair websites and will include you vehicles photo and description on their website, with your ad, or for a few more dollars. This is definitely the cheapest and most effective way for most people to sell their CV! Some will even take the picture for you. One note here, if you do not have Internet Access, you will be at a disadvantage!
Let’s talk about Local Auctions; these run from Ma & Pa Auctions to fairly sophisticated auction organizations to local collector car dealers. These can run you from free to 10%-15% of the final sale, but it is local and you can protect you vehicle by bidding on it yourself from the audience or have a relative do the protective bidding. Some even accept Reserves. Of the local auctions, you may find actual Dealer Auctions, these cater to people selling everyday drivers, but will sell a CV, and may even have special CV event days. Unfortunately, your CV will probably see little action in this venue and if a sale results, it will be lower than the value of the car unless you use a reserve or provide bidder protection in the form of bidding on the vehicle yourself! With some local auctions, you may even see your CV selling side-by-side with tractors and lawnmowers, due to the fact that most of the Ma & Pa auctions serve the farmers and estate sales. Adverting the sale may help some, but no guarantee.
Local Collector Vehicle Dealers offer two or three CV sales opportunities.
The first one the local dealer who holds CV auctions in conjunction with a national CV auctioneer.
The second is the occasional CV dealer who holds individual CV auctions; this can be ascertained by talking to the local classic dealers.
The third is the consignment option. A lot of CV dealers take consignment CV’s for an initial fee ($100-$500 for advertising, storage and maintenance) and then a percentage of the final sale (3%-15%) all of which are negotiable. If your CV is a special, desirable CV worth a lot of money and smacks of a quick sale to the dealer, he may even not charge you anything or varying percentages of consignment and sales percentage fees, hoping to make a quick profit and not be bothered with advertising, storing or cosmetic care. Watch your self here, as some dealers have the contractual right to make repairs and charge you for the repair parts & labor at the going rate!
National or Celebrity Collector Vehicle Auctioneers; you will find a list of these at the end of this article, so I won’t go into that here, just explain your costs of using their services. The terms I will discuss are Listing Fees, Seller’s Fees, Buyer’s Fees, Transportation Fees, and Miscellaneous Fees.
Listing’s Fees; can be anything for $0 to $500 and up. The wide difference is based on the value of your CV, is it a special, desirable CV worth a lot of money and means a probably quick sale for the auctioneer, but the Listing Fee can cost can be influenced by the fact that the market is slow or down, the auctioneer needs a nice car to point at and influence other CV owners to list their CV’s with his auction, and on and on… This is something you can work with by either listing early or withholding your CV until the last minute.
Seller’s Fees; most are currently 8-1/2%-10% (Auctioneer’s overhead is fairly high) of the final sale and have the possibility of negotiation as with everything you deal with in this field.
Buyer’s Fees; most are currently 8-1/2%-10% of the final sale and only effect the buyer. But they do tend to factor in as the buyer ultimately is bidding for 108-1/2%-110% of the final sale.
Transportation Fees; this fee is self-evident and differs for every area. Naturally the further you have to transport your CV to the auction, the more expensive this cost will be. There are several ways to do the transporting of your CV to the auction. This is an area to be very careful! It is not unheard of for transporters to hold a car hostage for higher prices or to not deliver it on time. I speak from experience! So don’t chose the cheapest, choose the most reputable!
Do-It-Yourself; is probably the cheapest and most sure way! A $600 to $1000 trailer can be sold with the car or sold after the auction to recoup it’s cost fairly easily. That being said, protect your trailer, they are easily stolen and disappear almost instantly!
Hire Someone Else; possibly a local trucker that is deadheading back to the area of the auction. But you had better have good insurance on your CV to do it this way, and I don’t mean regular car insurance!.
Hire A Professional; there is a list of these at the end of the article so I won’t go into that here. I will go over the risks of this option. I once shipped a car to New York that didn’t arrive for 6 weeks and cost three times as much as the original contracted fee. Luckily the original transporter paid the excess fee! It seems that they had been busy and had consigned the shipping to an unknown transporter who proceeded to play hide and seek with my car. So be sure of the transporter that you choose to handle your precious CV!!
Miscellaneous Fees; this can include gas to and from the auction food, motel and fun expenses and can be quite expensive!
I add a word of caution here for the person who is still not put off by my fairly negative assessment of the Collector Auction Scene, the general consensus pf the people that I consider experts is that in order to come out on a CV auction requires to collector cars entered in to any auction to reach a break even point!
Copyright 2007 KL Nichols
Boyd's Folly?

Boyd Coddington thought he could get away with just driving anywhere he wanted to at Bonneville Speed Week. He got his motor home stuck in a no drive zone, and the trucks to the right got stuck trying to get to him just to pull him out. Look at the angle of the semi tractor! He was still not out at the close of the Friday session.
Monday, August 13, 2007
1. When did "Little Suzie" finally wake up? a) The movie's over, it's 2 o'clock b) The movie's over, it's 3 o'clock c) The movie's over, it's 4 o'clock
2. "Rock Around The Clock" was used in what movie? a) Rebel Without A Cause b) Blackboard Jungle c) The Wild Ones
3. What's missing? _____Baby, Earth_____, _____On My Shoulder a) Angel b) Head c) Love 4. "I found my thrill..." where? a) Kansas City b) Heartbreak Hotel c) Blueberry Hill
5. "Please turn on your magic beam, _____ _____ bring me a dream" a) Mr. Sandman b) Earth Angel c) Dream Lover
6. For which label did Elvis Presley first record? a) Chancellor b) RCA c) Sun
7. He asked, "Why's everybody always pickin' on me? " Who was he? a) Bad Bad Leroy Brown b) Charlie Brown c) Buster Brown
8. Bobby Darin's "Mack The Knife", the one with the knife, was named: a) MacHeath b) MacCloud c) MacNamara
9. Name the song with "A-wop bop a-loo bop a-lop bam boom"? a) Good Golly Miss Molly b) Be-Bop-A-Lula c) Tutti Fruitti
10. Who is generally given credit for the term "Rock And Roll"? a) Dick Clark b) Wolfman Jack c) Alan Freed
11. In 1957, he left the music business to become a preacher. a) Little Richard b) Frankie Lymon c) Tony Orlando
12. Paul Anka's "Puppy Love" is written to what star? a) Brenda Lee b) Connie Francis c) Annette Funicello
13. The Everly Brothers are... a) Pete and Dick b) Don and Phil c) Bob and Bill
14. The Big Bopper's real name was: a) Jiles P. Richardson b) Roy Harold Scherer Jr. c) Marion Michael Morrison
15. In 1959, Berry Gordy Jr. started a small record company called... a) Decca b) Cameo c) Motown
16. Edd Brynes had a hit with "Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb. "What TV show was he on? a) 77 Sunset Strip b) Hawaiian Eye c) Surfside Six
17. In 1960 Bobby Darin married: a) Carol Lynley b) Sandra Dee c) Natalie Wood
18. They were a one hit wonder with "Book Of Love." a) The Penguins b) The Monotones c) The Moonglows
1. c) The movie's over, it's 4 o'clock
2. b) Blackboard Jungle
3. a) Angel
4. c) Blueberry Hill
5. a) Mr. Sandman
6. c) Sun
7. b) Charlie Brown
8. a) Mac Heath
9. c) Tutti Fruitti
10. c) Alan Freed
11. a) Little Richard
12. c) Annette Funicello
13. b) Don and Phil
14. a) Jiles P. Richardson
15. c) Motown
16. a) 77 Sunset Strip
17. b) Sandra Dee
18. b) The Monotones
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Information Wanted... Do you remember this car?
Suisse Export, VIN 194375S115982 - - Information Wanted... Do you remember this car? Did you own this car? How long did you own it? Who did you buy it from? Who did you sell it to? Did you race it? How long did you race it? What races did you win or place well? Who did the race modifications? What sanctioning entities governed the racing events? F.I.A., I.A.F., A.S.N.? What publications or library might we check? Do you have any original spares? Still searching for the original transmission and rear end? Still searching for the original GM dealer delivery documents, ie: shipping documents (import documents), dealer invoice, warranty book/protecto-plate, window sticker, build sheet, homologation sheet for F.I.A., racing photos, grid sheets, and racing newsletters. Names Associated With This Car : General Motors Suisse S.A. Bienne, GM Auto Koch Luzern, Switzerland, Mr. Guido Wermelinger, Didier Burgisser, Burgol Automobile S.A. Geneva, Rolf & Petra Gersch, Curtis T. Schulz, Indiana USA, and T. Michaelis/ProTeam Corvette, Napoleon, Ohio USA
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Classic cars are here to pay
By Jerry Kronenberg
Monday, May 14, 2007 - Updated: 10:08 AM EST
Tom duPont thinks classic cars make better investments than stocks, because even if you lose your shirt, at least you’ll enjoy driving one around.
“You can make money with either the right car or the right stock, but cars are more fun on weekends,” said duPont, whose magazine The duPont Registry recently found that classic cars sometimes outperform stocks.
For example, the Florida-based publication reported that a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 RS with Corvette brakes cost $3,184 when first sold - but fetches more than $200,000 today.
That’s a 7,193 percent return - about seven times the 1,077 percent Dow Jones industrial average’s gains for the same period. The same $3,184 invested in the Dow would have only grown to $37,480.
Other classic cars that crush the Dow include the 1966 Shelby Cobra 427 Supersnake and 1967 Chevrolet Corvette 435HP, both of which have gained more than 6,000 percent.
DuPont said classic-car values are soaring because “the collector-automobile market is on fire right now.”
He said well-heeled male baby boomers are driving prices higher, nostalgically snapping up cars from their younger days.
“There are an awful lot of guys between 50 and 70 whose kids are grown up, who have enough savings in the bank and who say, ‘Boy, I’d love to get an old Ferrari or Lamborghini or Pontiac GTO,’ ” said duPont, himself 58.
But while savvy car buying can yield big profits, duPont said there’s “nobody in the business that I know of who invests in collectible automobiles solely to make money. Everyone has a genuine passion for cars.”
He added that even experienced collectors have tough times predicting which vehicles will gain the most going forward.
“It’s not easy to make money in collectible cars,” duPont said. “But in case you hadn’t noticed, it’s not easy to make money in the stock market, either.”
Still, the publisher said cars whose prices soar typically have some or all of four key characteristics:
Ragtops. “If the top goes down, the price goes up,” duPont said.
Celebrity owners. Any car owned by a famous person appreciates more than a typical model does.
Rarity. Limited-edition cars or vehicles with rare options do better than those that are mass-produced models.
Good condition. Well-maintained cars with low mileage usually perform the best.
Recent models duPont thinks have bright futures include the 2007 Ford Shelby Mustang GTH350 and 2004 Ford GT40. Unfortunately, both cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
But duPont said even something like a $15,000 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air can return a nice profit if a collector updates the finish and hangs on to the vehicle awhile.
DuPont added that “unless you absolutely destroy a car, you’ll always get something for it. Unlike companies, cars can’t go bankrupt.”
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The crusher is coming to Christy's auto salvage in Leavenworth, Kansas
Please do not reply to this message as I am telling you everything I know in this email. The yard is open evenings until dark and Saturday and Sunday. This will probably only last until May 21st or so. Most cars are $200 to $300...or less. One particularly nice and complete 54 Chrysler 2dr with the hemi is $500 or so. Most of these cars are rough and I would estimate that 33% are restorable or rod-able. The rest would be considered incomplete parts cars. Many are rusty, many have some rare equipment intact. Some glass is good, some stainless is good, most pot metal is not usable. Most of the sheet metal is bad at the ground level if you know what I mean.
You can go to Craig's list for more info and a few phots that do not do the yard justice.
Kansas City search: Leavenworth for
Old Salvage yard closing in Leavenworth KS (Pictures)
The following list is partial and represents my best recollection:
10 or 11 - 50s and 60s panel trucks and sedan delivery's
Busses, lots of busses
Busses full of doors and hoods,
Chrysler airflow (37?)
Airflow tanker truck, poor condition, most of cab gone, tanker is there,
Old auto transport trailers, 3 or 4
Old moving van trailer +/- 30' long
Pickup beds full of hub caps and wheel covers
30, 40, and 50s sedans and coupes, Chevys, Packards, Plymouths, fords, Olds, Buicks, etc etc
Caddy hearses and a few limos in the late 40s and 50s
3 each 38 or 39 Packards
1940 Chrysler
1948 Windsor 4dr
1968 barracuda
1955 (or 54) Ford 2 door wagon complete
Several 54-55 Fords
Several edsels including a few wagons
1949? dodge truck panel
3 each 1959-60 imperials
A few nashs, frasier, fiats,
Lots of corvairs
several cab over trucks
one old steam shovel
2 or 3 late 60's mustangs
Rear ends, engines, trannys, wheels, etc
I am guessing 200+ cars and 50+ trucks from the 30's thru the 60's
The yard is about one mile West of Leavenworth Kansas on Highway 92/Spruce street. Drive West out of Leavenworth on 92 until the road curves South, you are there.
Christys Auto Salvage 16595 Springdale Rd Leavenworth, KS 66048-7603 (913) 682-2121
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
$250 Finder's Fee

Saturday, May 05, 2007
Holy Cow Batman, George Barris is a fraud?

Star cars set off alarms
LA Times
Bob PoolUniversal's cease and desist order against George Barris highlights the problem of accurate credit for famous movie vehicles.By Bob PoolTimes Staff WriterMay 4, 2007If he could go back to the future, maybe famed movie car icon George Barris wouldn't have had that gadget-filled DeLorean parked in front of his North Hollywood customizing shop during his big ceremony.The "Back to the Future" DeLorean sat near the Batmobile, the Monkeemobile, the General Lee from the "Dukes of Hazzard" TV show, K.I.T.T. from the "Knight Rider" series and other automobiles symbolizing Barris' car-customizing skills on March 23 as city officials commemorated his six-decade Hollywood career.Barris and City Councilman Tom LaBonge unveiled a street sign designating Riverside Drive and Riverton Avenue as "George Barris Place" while hundreds of fans clustered around the glitzy cars applauded and cheered.There was no cheering from nearby Universal Studios, however. Or from some of Hollywood's other movie car customizers.Studio officials responded with a cease and desist order demanding that Barris never again make "misrepresentations regarding any involvement with the 'Back to the Future' films." They called upon Barris to remove images of the flying DeLorean from his company's website and restrict his display of replicas of the gull-winged car used by Michael J. Fox to time travel in the popular 1985 movie and its sequels.Others, meanwhile, complained that film cars such as the K.I.T.T., the General Lee and the Monkeemobile were not originally designed and built by Barris, either.The dust-up illustrates the confusion that often exists among car buffs over "picture cars," which can come in different versions. "Hero cars" are the nicest and actors are photographed in those; "stunt cars" are less perfect and are used for chases and crashes; "promotional cars" are displayed for publicity and do not actually appear on film; and "replica cars" are privately built copies of the real thing.That explains why there are multiple Batmobiles — countless fiberglass knockoffs owned by "Batman" movie fans as well as the original Barris-built version. And why more than 300 General Lees were said to have been jumped, crunched and crashed in the filming of the "Dukes" series — while hundreds of more orange-painted 1969 Dodge Chargers were customized by fans. A replica of the "Back to the Future" DeLorean is what attracted the attention of Universal Studios during Barris' street-naming ceremony."George Barris had absolutely nothing to do with the design or construction of the DeLorean time travel vehicle," said Bob Gale, who was a writer and producer on the film. "The DeLorean was designed on paper by Ron Cobb and Andrew Probert, and it was built under the supervision of special effects supervisor Kevin Pike and construction coordinator Michael Scheffe."Barris acknowledged that the DeLorean displayed at the ceremony was never used in any of the "Back to the Future" films. It is a replica car that was brought to the event by its owner.According to Barris, an animated gallery of movie cars displayed on his website included the DeLorean because he once customized one for a Universal-licensed collector who wanted to display it. He said Universal also asked him to "clean up" a DeLorean stunt car that had been built on a Volkswagen chassis so it could be used for promotional work."I didn't work on the show and I've never said I did," said Barris, who is in his mid-80s.Barris was responsible for creating the 1966 Batmobile, which he famously constructed from a 1955 Lincoln Futura concept car. But he played only a supporting role on the General Lee, the Ecto-1 and other movie cars, according to entertainment industry experts.Credits for "Dukes of Hazzard" list Ken Fritz, Tom Sarmento, Rich Sephton, A.J. Thrasher, Andre Veluzat and Renaud Veluzat as car builders. Barris is credited for "car modifications." For the 1982 "Knight Rider" movie and its 84-episode TV series, Scheffe designed and built the computer-crammed K.I.T.T. car used by David Hasselhoff. Barris was hired to build an upgraded version of the car for the show's third season with concept sketches from Scheffe.But Barris "kind of makes it sound like he came up with the original concept," said movie car fan Nate Truman, a TV graphics operator who lives in Gardena and owns a replica Batmobile."Ghostbusters" credits do not list a designer for Ecto-1, the 1959 Cadillac ambulance that carried the ghost-busting team and its gear. But actor-writer Dan Aykroyd is usually given the nod for suggesting an Ectomobile in early versions of the script.Barris, however, converted another Cadillac vehicle into a replica Ecto-1 that was displayed in an Illinois car museum. He shows the Ecto-1 on his website. "All we did was the promotional car, for publicity for the film," he said.Cahuenga Boulevard cinema car customizer Dean Jeffries is credited with building the Monkeemobile for the 1960s sitcom "The Monkees." He built two of them — one for use in the show and one for display at car shows and other promotions — from a pair of 1966 Pontiac GTO convertibles.Barris said he now owns the Monkeemobile show car. He displays it at his Riverside Drive shop."Dean Jeffries designed it and Dick Dean built it. We finished it and we bought it" and now includes it in his own collection of star cars, Barris said. "I always credit Dean Jeffries for doing it." Jeffries said he has grown weary of Barris taking improper credit for work — including the painting of the words "Little Bastard" on the Porsche that actor James Dean was driving when he was fatally injured in a 1955 crash.But the credit line is sometimes confusing.Barris often autographs movie cars in his own collection that were actually designed and customized by others. That's how car collector Christopher Ingrassia of East Dundee, Ill., came to own a car from the film "Taxi" that bears Barris' signature on its hood when, in fact, it was built by film-car customizer Eddie Paul."It leads somebody to believe that he did the original car, and he didn't do it," said Ingrassia, who plans to buff off Barris' name. "I don't want to diminish George. I just want the record straight."Paul, an El Segundo customizer who created cars for "Grease," said he now photographically documents all of the vehicles he makes for movies."The car guys want to get the story out while George Barris is still alive and can be confronted," Paul said. "I don't personally dislike him. But he's messing up the industry by misrepresenting history."K.I.T.T. creator Scheffe, a Mar Vista resident who now is an art director for Sony Pictures Imageworks, agreed."George is an institution. He's done amazing things. I don't want to step on anyone's toes. But it's good for the people who did the work to get credit for it."For his part, Barris said his references in interviews to "our cars" and "my stunt crew" reflect his allegiance to the Hollywood car community as a whole. Over the course of a lengthy TV series' production, picture car construction can be "a group effort," he said.He signs other craftsmen's cars "if they're in my Barris Star Cars Collection. It doesn't mean I built it," he said."I promote and encourage the car industry. That's what I've always done.
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Spring on Route 66 is a beautiful time with all of the spring trimmings, flowers, dandelion parachutes floating in the air, farm dogs chasing our car, birds building nests and farmers planting new crops along side the road. Farmer’s waving friendly waves from tractors out in the fields. Spotted cattle and horses in fields by the highway. The occasional grasshopper flying in the window or taking a ride on the hood. Moving wetly towards summer.
Summer on Route 66 with bugs on the windshield, the hot sun high in the sky, windows wide open and hot, did mention hot before? Water bag hanging on the front grille tantalizing young imaginations, paper pasted in the windows to block out the sun, sweat soaked hankies hanging out the window to dry. Complaints from the back seat about, “How much longer?” or The plaintive cry of a child needing to go to the bathroom. Burma Shave signs partially hidden but weeds and grass. Moving hotly towards fall. Windmills moving in cadence with the wind like palm trees.
Fall with a touch of frost, leaves blowing off of the trees and across the roadway. Farmers harvesting their crops and school buses and equipment-laden tractors slowing down traffic. Burma Shave Signs easier to see as the grass recedes.Signs of farms settling in for winter, filling up the silos and baling the hay, corn stacked in shocks in the fields. Moving swiftly towards winter.
Winter with snow along the road, kids playing in snow banks, snowmen standing silent vigil, a tribute to youthful activity. Soft snow falling and slowing down travel. The anticipation of seeing grandparents and opening gifts, turkey and dressing, Renewing friendships with all of the farm animals, chasing the chickens around And running from the geese and turkeys. Sad goodbyes and horrible thoughts of returning to school after the holiday vacation.
Is that four, five or a hundred seasons? I can’t tell where memory ends and reality begins. All that I know is that whatever memories I have, Route 66 runs like a river though them, timelessly and endlessly!
Time to get out the Route 66 Cruiser and plan your next trip down the Mother Road!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
1955 Mercury Montclair Custom

This Merc is customized and has many, many modifications. Up front, the hood is nosed and louvered. The grille and bumper are custom. The headlights are frenched. The doors and the trunk lid have been shaved. The taillights have been tunneled. A power antenna is frenched into the rear fender. The Merc has dummy spotlights, lake pipes and fender skirts. Outback is a Continental Enterprises continental kit. These are quality kits, and are the best available!
The interior is upholstered in gray cloth and has a gray vinyl headliner, and deep pile gray carpet. The front seat is showing some wear. The dash is nice and has Autometer gauges. The steering wheel is Blue Metalflake. The car has Vintage Air, power steering, cruise control and many custom teardrops dash knobs.
The trunk is upholstered in gray carpet material including the spare tire cover.
Under the hood is a detailed 351 Cleveland engine that was totally rebuilt about six years ago. The auto trans was rebuilt at the same time. The car has air horns under the hood. It has dual exhaust with Smithy Mufflers. The front end has been rebuilt. The car has been driven about 23,000 miles since everything was rebuilt.
Car magazines say that stance is everything. This car sits right! The front end has a lowering block kit and the rear has lowering blocks and Posie's springs.
This Merc looks good, sits right and goes down the road. I drove this car to California and back with no problems.
This car has been driven and does have some imperfections. The right taillight has cracked where it is tunneled and frenched. There is a small bubble on the lower right rear quarter. Some of the stainless trim has some blemishes. Overall, the sheet metal is very straight. The car is not wavy.
Call for More Details and price 417-682-3685 or email me
Fly in and drive home, this is a great car!

“Get Your Kicks on Route 66 Hearse, Hot Rod and Classic Car Cruise”
The Lonestar Hearse Association, Texoma Hearse and Hot Rod Society and the Kansas Hearse Association proudly presents its first cruise being held September 20th through 23rd, 2007.
We are going to be kicking off this cruise in Southwest Missouri on Thursday September 20, 2007 with a “Meet and Greet”, registration and BBQ. Location TBA
The cruise will start out Friday, September 21st in Southwest Missouri and travel through Kansas and into Oklahoma where events will be planned at various Points of Interest. We will be making our final stop for the day in Oklahoma City.
Saturday, September 22nd, 2007, Cruisers will be starting out in Oklahoma City around 7:00Am to make the trip to Elk City, Oklahoma where we will have a car show across the street from the National Route 66 Museum and Complex. The City of Elk City is graciously hosting our car show and The Route 66 Museum will be offering discounted tickets for the Museum Complex.
On Sunday morning, September 23rd, 2007, the cruisers will meet for breakfast and discuss where they’d like to cruise in the Spring 2008. We will also hold a trivia game of things that happened along the way.
For More Information, please contact
Frank Redmond at or 940-872-2212,
Travis Coleman at or
Amber Hallacy at
Yahoo Group Website for updates, pre-registration and events planned: